Setting the working file directory

When you start a PiXCL development project, the first thing you need to do is set a working file directory, by clicking on either the Working Directory button, or selecting the Files: Set Working Directory menu item.

This displays the dialog box below, with the current working directory setting read from the Windows registry shown as the default in the combobox. The current and previous three working directories are also stored in the Registry, and can be displayed in the combobox dropdown list.

To set the working directory, you can select from the combobox list, click the Browse button to locate a directory that you want, or type the desired directory into the combobox edit area.


Click the OK button when done you are now ready to start coding a new file, or open an existing PXL file or files.

To create a new and fully functional skeleton source file, you may find that the cre8tapp.exe Helper will save you lots of time. It is installed as the default Helper App#2. The PiXCL source code cre8tapp.pxl is supplied in the ..\samples directory so you can see how it works, and modify it to suit your own needs.

See also Setting Optional Tool Preferences